Monday, September 30, 2019

Counseling and Ethical Standards

Core Assessment Jessica Ferguson PS 206 Introduction to Guidance and Counseling Abstract This core assessment will be my understanding of the concepts that I have learned in this course. I will define and give examples about the different therapy techniques that I have learned about. I will show that I can adequately explain that I am knowledgeable in my understanding of confidentiality and ethics in counseling. 1. (a) Empathic understanding is when a therapist correctly understands the client’s thoughts, feelings and meanings from the client’s point of view.When the therapist is able to look at the clients point of view it tells the client that his/or her point has value and the client feels accepted. Example: Client: I don’t know why my husband wants to come to therapy now; we have never been able to communicate. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I’ve accepted it, I wish he could. Therapist: Coning to therapy now doesn’t make much sense to you. Maybe you used to have feeling about your lack of communication with your husband, but it sound like you feel pretty numb about the whole situation now. b) Unconditional positive regard is when a client is able to talk about their thoughts and feelings without having to do anything in particular to earn the therapists understanding. This is done when the therapist accepts the client unconditionally and does not pass judgment. (c)Transference is when a client projects feelings or attitudes from the past onto the therapist.Example: When a female client begins to treat her female therapist with disdain and begins to close off from therapy because the female therapist reminds her of her mother that was overbearing and mean to her. d) Anxiety is a feeling that people experience in many different ways. Some people may feel nervous, anxious, and fearful. Most of the time anxiety is normal and a good part of our ability to deal with the world. However, anxiety can become a problem for some people if it becomes excessive and begins to interfere with our daily lives. Example: Normal anxiety would be if someone had a big project due at work and the good anxiety may push us to prepare more before you present your project. An xample of excessive anxiety is when a woman has to fly on an airplane and she begins to get extremely nervous and sick to her stomach and she begins to feel dizzy. She does not get on the plane because she had experienced excessive anxiety. (e) Projection is when a client blames other people for their actions. Example: Sandy is holding an expensive glass vase and Joe is trying to get his jacket on, in the meantime, Sandy drops the vase and screams at Joe, â€Å"See what you made me do! I dropped the vase because you were taking too long to put on your coat.Sandy blamed Joe for dropping the vase. (f) Irrational beliefs. As we develop we form beliefs about ourselves, others and the world. Most of the time our beliefs are truthful, healthy, and rationa l. However, through events and unfortunate circumstances we begin to develop false, unhealthy, and irrational beliefs about ourselves, others and the world. Example: A client that thinks that she has to be perfect in every way to please everyone and if she is not perfect in every way then no one will love her. 2. (a). Behavior therapy and person-centered therapyBehavior therapy believes that our behaviors are learned and that we are products of our environment. The client and therapist both take a very active role in learning more desired behaviors. Person- centered therapy believes that the client is their own best authority and they are capable of fulfilling their won potential for growth with minimal direction from the therapist. The behavior therapist will set goals, treatment plans and expected outcomes up front and does not believe that the therapist has to be overly warm with the client.A person-centered therapist will allow the client to decide what their own goals and treat ment plan will be and also believes that it is an important part of therapy to have the therapist is as open and warm as possible. Person –centered therapy places more emphasis on the client’s expressing and experiencing their feelings. Behavior therapy believes that people have to learn new behaviors. (b). Family and Psychoanalytic therapy Family therapy focuses on the fact that we are part of a family and that we each play a role in each other lives.Change happens with in relationships in the family not just one person. Family therapy is usually brief. The psychoanalytic approach focuses only on one person and change occurs within their own personality. Psychoanalytic approach can take several years to complete. The family therapist has to be able to listen and not pass judgment on any of the family members; the therapist must be open, honest and warm with everyone in the group. The psychoanalytic therapist does not believe that you should share any personal experien ces or their reaction with their clients.They believe that they should listen and analyze. 3. Part 1 (a). It is highly unethical to pursue a romantic relationship with a client during therapy. It is the therapist’s ethical duty to help the client with his or her problems not to add to them. Corey (2009), states that becoming emotionally or sexually involved with a current client is unethical, unprofessional, and illegal. As to a former client, a romantic relationship is unethical because the therapist already knows very personally and intimate details of the client’s life and the therapist could use that to their advantage.Part 2 (a). Confidentiality in counseling is very important in gaining trust from the client. The client needs to know that what they are discussing in therapy does not leave the room. But the client needs to know that confidentially does not mean keeping secrets. The client should know that confidentially may be broken if they client is going to har m themselves or someone else. The therapist needs to be discussing the fact that confidentially has boundaries and the client has to understand what those boundaries are before counseling begins.The counselor should provide written information on important aspects of therapy at the beginning of counseling, such as what the boundaries of confidentiality are, payments, complaints, ect†¦ Part 2 (b) â€Å"Duty to warn† would be necessary if I had a client that was 14 years old and she disclosed to me that her step-father had been touching her sexually. I would have a duty to warn the proper authorities because she is a minor. The ethical issue involved would be that I would have to break confidentiality of my patient by disclosing to outside person’s what we iscussed. Another example of duty to warn would be if I had a client that told me that he hated his co-workers and that he was going to shoot them. I would have to break confidentiality by contacting the authoriti es and letting them know that this person was a serious threat to others. Part 2 (c) Ethical standards are important in counseling because there has to be a professional standard for appropriate behavior, professional expectations and preventing harm to clients.When you are a profession where the therapist and clients relationship is built on trust, the therapist should engage in conduct that is safe and non-threatening to the client, so that the client can get the emotional and psychological healing that they deserve. 4. I could apply REBT therapy to my life because this therapy is very direct and challenges you to do something rather than just sitting and talking about problems. I have a problem saying no to people. I feel that I should help everyone when I am asked and if I just have to say no I feel very shameful and guilt ridden.I think that REBT’s method of disputing my irrational beliefs would help me. It could help me learn to ask myself, â€Å"Why must I say yes all of the time? and â€Å"what is the worst thing that could happen if I say no?. I also think that REBT’s method of doing homework would help me too. It could help me to put myself in situations where I would have to say no. And REBT’s shame attacking exercise would also help me. I feel very shameful when I have to say no to someone. This method would have me to do things that I would feel shameful dong and by doing those things the feelings of shame would eventually disappear or not be such a big deal anymore.I would also benefit from Gestalt therapy. I think that this therapy could benefit me by helping me to ask for help and to give me more awareness of myself. I have a huge problem asking anyone for help. I think that the empty chair technique would assist me to be able to tell my mother that I needed help when I was younger but I did not want to ask her for it because I did not want to bother her because she was always so busy. I would also use the rehearsal techn ique. The rehearsal technique would help me by giving me practice saying out loud that I need help. 5. a) Low self-esteem – I think that behavioral cognitive therapy would be the best method for low self-esteem. CBT helps a person to diminish negative beliefs about themselves; it helps the person to establish and strengthen more positive beliefs, and encourages the person to learn how to accept themselves for who they are. Some of the techniques used in CBT that would be helpful for a person with low self-esteem. One technique would be trying to direct the client to more positive strengths and qualities, the client would have to write down everyday what their positive qualities are.Another technique would be to have the client to look at the past and present to find out what or who is helping the client to support negative beliefs about themselves. Another technique would to be to have the client to re-evaluate their dysfunctional assumptions about themselves and begin to for mulate new more realistic alternatives. I think that the psychoanalytic approach may not work the best for someone with low self-esteem because it focuses mainly on the person’s past and does not really focus on present situations.A person with low self-esteem may need a therapist that is accepting and warm, the psychoanalytic therapist does not believe that the client should be treated with very much warmth. And this approach can be a very long process. (b). Phobias – Behavior therapy would be the best approach for a person with a phobia. Behavior therapy focuses on, â€Å"observable behaviors, current determinates of behavior, learning experiences that promote change, tailoring treatment strategies to individual treatment and change the problem† (Corey, 2009).Some of the methods that the behavior therapist would use with a client with a phobia would be exposure therapies. Exposure therapies are for helping client to treat their phobias and the bad responses to those phobias. The therapist would try In vivo exposure with the client, by exposing the client to their actual phobia. The therapist could also use flooding. The therapist could have the client to imagine the phobia or have the client to experience the phobia for an extended period of time allowing for the fear to diminish on its own.I think that the least effective therapy for a person with a phobia would be person-centered therapy. Person – centered therapy focuses on the person, not their phobia. A person with a phobia wants to get rid of it, not just talk about it. (c) Marital problems would best be worked on through family systems therapy. Family systems therapy believes that we can be understood when we can be observed with our families. Its focus is on each person, but it also focuses on how each person interacts with one another. I would use structural- strategic family therapy.This method helps to reduce problems and set boundaries and helps to define power and con trol. I think that psychoanalytic therapy may not work well with marital problems because this therapy is based too much on a person’s past and early development. The couple may want to focus on the present and get their problems solved quickly. 6. Three counseling and guidance models. Gestalt therapy emphasizes awareness and personal responsibility and it adopts a holistic approach giving equal awareness to mind and body. It also believes that the client should not focus in the past or the future but on the present.Gestalt therapy believes that we have unfinished business. Unfinished business is what happens when you have feelings that are left unresolved. Those unresolved feelings show up later in present day life causing emotional upheaval. Gestalt therapy does not believe that there a specific methods to therapy that should be followed. The gestalt therapist may use experiments in the course to therapy. One of the exercises is the rehearsal exercise. This allows the clien t to rehearse what their feelings are. Another exercise would be the internal dialogue exercise.This exercise allows the client to express out load what they have been telling only themselves. Adlerian therapy believes that people posses an innate tendency toward completions or wholeness and that people strive for superiority to compensate for feelings of inferiority. It also believes that people have the ability to freely shape their own behavior and personality. It believes that humans have their own unique style of life that include a person’s goals, self-concepts, feelings for others and attitude toward the world.Adlerian therapy has several techniques that it employs during therapy. One technique is the life style assessment, which allows the therapist to identify what needs to be worked on during therapy and to identify successes and mistakes in the client’s life. The adlerian therapist also uses encouragement as a powerful technique in therapy. Encouragement is used to build a relationship and to help facilitate client change. A therapist may also use role playing, this gives the client an opportunity to add missing experience into their lives and to explore and practice new behaviors.The psychoanalytic approach believes that all behavior and mental processes reflect constant and often unconscious struggles within people. These usually involve conflicts between our need to satisfy basic biological instincts, for example, for food, sex or aggression. The psychoanalytic therapist may use techniques such as free association where the client says anything that comes to mind. And dream analysis to find links in the client’s thoughts and behaviors and then interpret the dreams in terms of the client’s problems.References Corey,G. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. (8th. Edition). Belmont,CA.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Consumerism in Today’s Society Essay

To analyze and explain the significance of something, you must first define it. Consumerism is â€Å"advocacy of a high rate of consumption and spending as a basis for a sound economy†. Consumerism plays an enormous role in Brave New World. It gives us a small view of what a different type of economy we might have. People are solely dependent on the things that the world state provides for them. There is much significance to consumerism in BNW, and through an analytical view of it, we find many similarities between consumerism in BNW and in our world today. In this novel the use of consumerism is prominent. Every person is provided for so that they do not have to worry about anything. In the US we constantly use our available resources even when it is not truly needed. A simple example would be, buying too much food at the grocery store, and most of it going to waste in about a weeks time. All the branches of society in BNW indulge in overconsumption just as we do, but it the Alpha group that really shows us this. Alphas show us this in many ways, often through the use of a drug. The best item in this society to get your hands on is soma. It is the most widely used and distributed item, it is used to keep individuals happy. From an example in the book, many of the castes are paid for their work with soma. Soma keeps the population under control, they take it when they do not feel â€Å"normal†, the drug keeps them from thinking unusually, thinking as an individual. The general public in BNW is encouraged to use public transportation, often to entertain themselves, to visit one of the reservations, or to play a game, such as Obstacle Golf, another example of consumerism in BNW, because it costs money to play. Or even to spectate, the population would still have to pay for transportation to watch. In our world today we also use public transportation, but it is not the only means of transportation. The public consumerism regarding entertainment in the form of games, such as golf, not a cheap sport but one we indulge ourselves in for amusement. Another example of how consumerism in BNW relates to us, is how the population in BNW are raised to use products provided by the World State, and dispose of them and continue to get more, and provide more money to the economy, therefore keeping the world at a constant steady state. This may sound very familiar, where products in our society become faulty overtime, some may say it is planned obsolescence, where maybe it isn’t completely broken and you cant fix it, maybe it is just so outdated it cannot keep up anymore. So we as individuals are forced to toss the product and purchase a new one. Our society has many examples of consumerism. Individuals with more money to spend often overindulge or spend it on unneeded things for our pleasure. We buy televisions, video games, extra clothing, more than one of a similar item, like a person having three different iPods. Sporting events have a huge impact on our economy as well. Millions of people in the US turn out to attend or watch on TV football during the regular season and the post season. We spend a lot of money of medicine and drugs. If one were to look into a persons medicine cabinet at home, it would be likely to find lots of pills and drugs for different uses that are defiantly not cheap, that are rarely used. Also a small minority of Americans in relation to the whole country, spend money on illegal drugs. Alcohol is also another product many Americans spend their money on that is an example of consumerism. Most individuals in our world today have given in to some form of consumerism. Unfortunately the peoples in BNW are trained and pretty much forced to give into consumerism. And if our world continues to overindulge we soon could also turn into a milder form of the society in this novel. But first we have to realize and start to conserve our valuable resources, so that we don’t have to depend upon our government for necessities.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Early Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Early Industrial Revolution - Essay Example These colonies in the East and West Indies, and North America, served as an overseas market for England’s domestic goods, and also provided raw material and manufactured goods. The powerful British naval fleet guarded mercantile access to these markets. At the same time, England’s Scientific Revolution resulted in several inventions, such as the spinning jenny and the steam engine, which lowered production costs and market prices, and increased speed. A rapid growth in population and rising standards of living increased mass consumption and stimulated demand. This population growth also provided England with a large labor force. While the economic and political structure of Europe continued to stagnate under the feudal ancien regime, England’s fledgling democracy witnessed the curtailment of the power of the monarchy and the aristocracy, and the emergence of the influential new middle class, for whom the pursuit of money was socially acceptable. Property and contract rights were guaranteed, giving â€Å"England an important "edge" over its more backward European continental rivals† (Roger, webpage). The English Government’s commercial regulations emphasized the domestic economic interest, and supported entrepreneurs. England boasted a higher level of elementary education than Europe, which contributed towards innovation. England’s Transport Revolution, facilitated by improved road, water and rail infrastructure, and heightened by the inherent advantages of a long, indented coastline, numerous rivers and natural harbors, enabled the speedy movement of raw goods to the factories, a nd manufactured goods to the market. The Agricultural Revolution saw the transition from small land holdings into large farms, the introduction of new crop varieties and farm implements, increasing the yield of industrial raw material, such as cotton and grain. This was in contrast to Europe, where subsistence farming

Friday, September 27, 2019

Community Involvement Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Community Involvement Program - Essay Example Community Academy Public Charter Schools (CAPCS) and Northwestern University have implemented community involvement programs as part of the learning process. CAPCS incorporates parent involvement in teaching young children at the elementary level. The Amos 3 campus at CAPCS provides early childhood programs that give children a firm academic career foundation (CAPCS, 1). The program focuses on basic concepts of math and reading as part of educational introduction. Social development, respect, good behavior, and passion for learning are promoted at the campus. Parents team up with teachers and administrator to assist the development process. CAPCS has been successful by concentrating on science and technology to emphasis hand-on problem solving skills. Children learn critical thinking and problem solving and acquire basic knowledge required in all academic fields. This has been instrumental in preparing children academically and socially before venturing into secondary school, which h as led to successful academicians from Amos 3 campus (CAPCS, 2). Northwestern university has several programs within their community involvement program that provides students with local and international opportunities. The Applied Medical Society provides events targeting students with interest in healthcare provision. Participants learn basic skills such as CPR in these events (NU, 1). Campus kitchens employ volunteer students who learn the process of recycling un-served food into nutritious meals for seniors, community organizations, and youth programs. Graduates and undergraduates also participate in exchange and capacity building programs with cohorts from over 50 universities in over 40 countries. These workshops provide mentorship and prepare students for career opportunities. Most activities are centered on students and there is little participation from parents. The program prepares students for career ventures and student organizations within the campus have been instrumental in the success of the community involvement program.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Under Armour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Under Armour - Assignment Example Under Armour Under Armour’s current marketing strategy is to market its products primarily to customers who participate in sports, fitness, outdoor, and training activities. They execute this strategy through professional and collegiate sponsorships, individual athlete agreements, and outfitting agreements. Because of this, Under Armour can be seen on the field, fiving them exposure to the consumer via live sporting events and television. Under Armour is the official footwear of the NFL and the MLB giving them national recognition. The University of South Florida, University of Auburn, and the University of Maryland and many other colleges are all sponsored by Under Armour. Internationally, Under Armour provides uniforms for the Tottenham Hotspur Football club and the Welsh Rugby Union. By sponsoring and providing uniforms for all these teams, Under Armour is able to become a recognized brand in sports. Under Armour’s retail marketing strategy involves increased brand floor space for their products in major retail businesses. Due to increased sponsorship of sports teams allows Under Armour to be recognized easily in stores and have specified areas specifically for Under Armour products. Wholesale channels including sporting goods stores, department store chains, institutional athletics departments, and specialty retailers are responsible for the majority of Under Armour sales. Under Armour also have specialty and factory stores throughout North America and certain countries in Europe to sell strictly Under Armour products to consumers. ... Wholesale channels including sporting goods stores, department store chains, institutional athletics departments, and specialty retailers are responsible for the majority of Under Armour sales. Under Armour also have specialty and factory stores throughout North America and certain countries in Europe to sell strictly Under Armour products to consumers. Internationally, Under Armour competes in North America, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. North America makes up for about 94% of Under Amours total revenues. The two largest customers in North America are Dick’s Sporting Goods and Sports Authority. In Europe, products are sold to about four thousand retail stores and through the Under Armour website. Under Armour has had a license agreement since 2002 with Dome Corporation that sells, markets, and produces its products in Japan. In China, Under Armour has two specialty stores in Shanghai and also distributes products to customers through a third party logistics provider. Under Armour also sells its products in Latin America through independent distributors, which are distributed from factories in the United States. Financial Performance Under Armour Nike Adidas 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 Revenues 1.06B 1.47B 1.83B 20.89B 24.12B 25.33B 16.23B 18.03B 20.15B Net Income 68.48M 96.92M 128.39M 2.13B 2.22B 2.46B 891M 823M 709M Under Armour’s current strategy seem to be working well. They have increased their revenues by .77 billion dollars since 2010. Under Armour has almost doubled the amount of net income over the past three years as well. When looking at their competitors Nike and Adidas, the amount of revenue that they create is far more than Under Armour. This is due to

Racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Racism - Essay Example Racial discrimination is treating people differently on the basis of race. In famous case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka,* by overturning its earlier rule the United States Supreme Court, declared that the establishment of separate public schools for black and white students inherently unequal. This victory paved the way for integration and the Civil Rights Movement. The same decision was repeated in the Bolling v. Sharpe's** case also. Racism produces its effects through segregation, socioeconomic stratification, and marginalization as well as through the individual experience. Institutionalized racism produces discriminatory effects on health through public policy, the physical environment, social and medical services and preventive health policy. Perceived inequity and frustrated goals combine with policies that make the urban environment physically or psychologically hazardous to affect the family, sense of self and sense of community. This affects social buffers and supports while increasing the chance of experiencing a life event. Decreased social efficacy combined with a decaying physical environment promotes "alternative" lifestyles and economies, these can overcome the resilience of a community and undermine their buffering effects. The impact of racism on the individual, family, community and physical environment may --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Brown Vs Board of Education of Topeka 347 US 483 (1954)** Bolling Vs Sharpe 347US 487 (1954) 2 lead to psychological and physical harm to children and so produce a future generation of problems. The US government has formulated a number of programs for tracing the racist elements which is deep rooted in the society and to find out the solutions to eradicate this ever going problems. Department of Behavioral Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston *conducted a research and found out that racism is the one of the fundamental cause for the racial disparities of health commonly founds in people. According to their opinion the physiological changes which occur when African-Americans encounter everyday racism are thought to lead to poorer health in the long-term. The association between experienced racism and ill health is modified by social status and personal coping strategies. A wider conceptualization of the processes through which racism is linked to ill-health demands an understanding of the effects of racism at a political, socioeconomic, community, and family level. Such effects are as pertinent to illness rates as the experience of the individual. From the above discussion a question naturally arises. It is true that the segregation of the people as per their color

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Comparison and constrast of the crime control model and the due Research Paper

Comparison and constrast of the crime control model and the due process model - Research Paper Example in their beliefs about criminal justice, the proponents of both sides must work together within the established criminal justice system, following laws and the legal process and procedures of the United States. The two models of criminal justice serve no legal purpose other than to give names and definitions to the most common perspectives towards criminal justice. The models serve as a way to talk about criminal justice and can serve as an aid to determine how a person might approach a criminal justice issue based on which theory they subscribe to. The two models can also compare to political viewpoints in terms of being considered either conservative or liberal. The crime control model is considered conservative in nature while the due process model is more liberal (Perron). Those believing that criminals should be treated as such and that there should be aggressive measure taken towards crime, are most often proponents of the crime control model, while those who feel people should not be beleaguered, that there are processes in place that should be followed and that law enforcement agencies are not the be all and end all of the criminal justice system are typically followers of the due process model. According to U.S. Legal Definitions, the crime control model, â€Å"refers to a theory of criminal justice which places emphasis on reducing the crime in society through increased police and prosecutorial powers†. This model is based on the notion that police, detectives and forensic workers are at the forefront of the criminal justice system and that their findings are almost always valid and reliable. Alleged offenders are considered to be guilty because those working in the criminal justice system have already conducted the research necessary to arrest the correct person ( The crime control theory focuses on keeping the public safe. Protecting the rights of individuals is less important than keeping

Monday, September 23, 2019

My Room Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My Room - Essay Example My closet is well arranged and the used clothes are in one basket case and not littered all over the place. Â  My bathroom is clean and my personal and grooming materials are also nicely kept in a drawer. Â  Visitors also have hard time guessing whether it is a room of a boy or a girl. Â  It can be a room of a girl because it is clean and tidy but it could be also a room of a boy because it has sports equipments in my room. Â  I have football helmet, basketball, baseball and other sports gear displayed in a cabinet. Â  My study table is also obviously a student’s table because it is made of sturdy wood with just books and other study materials on it but is not gender oriented. Â  I also have a huge TV and speakers in my room that plays my favorite movies and music which could be either for a boy or a girl. Â  It is also difficult to tell whether my room is for adults or for children. Â  In addition to sports gears, my room also has toys, mannequins of cartoon character s and game boards. Â  But the books that I have will also tell that it is for adult because it has history books, hobby books and school books. My room is unusual because I fill my room with the things that I love and not because how people think a room should be. Â  It is my favorite place in the house. Â  It is the place where I study, rest or to enjoy my favorite movies or music. Â  It is also the place where I reflect about things because it feels very comfortable in there.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Shanghai Disney Expansion Project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Shanghai Disney Expansion Project - Case Study Example That is to say, that even before a strategy is developed; it has to focus on these factors. In essence, it is at this stage that business owners normally analyze the current situation of the business concerning the aforementioned areas. A SWOT analysis is normally created at this point with an aim to give the overview of the company including its competitors, social and legal environment. The second step involves market profiling whereby the owner focuses on a number of issues including the revenues, market-share, and the expected profitability. In order to create this step effectively, a business owner has to be focused primarily on the customer1. Often, business people tend to introduce products in the market with little, if any, regard as to the customer’s need. It is through understanding the need of the customer that the development of a product and its subsequent marketing ought to take place. It is at this level that one sets targets for the products and rolls it out to the intended market, which has already been analyzed. Once market identity is complete and the projections of revenues and profits are set, the business owner has to create a market segment strategy. Here, the business has to decide the mode of making marketing and sales. That is to say, options such as direct or indirect sales ought to be analyzed, mass marketing and so forth. Business owners will have to set up product, pricing, promotional, distribution and marketing strategies. The essence of this step is to ensure that the targeted market has been reached, revenues projected is realized as well as guaranteeing market share. Concerning how this plan could benefit Disney, the company ought to take a few steps in its quest for expansion in the areas of Shanghai. Firstly, Disney has to follow the steps outlined above with the first one being aware of the behaviour of the local people.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Should The Supreme Court Essay Example for Free

Should The Supreme Court Essay The Supreme Court’s power of judicial review should not be strictly limited by a constitutional amendment because the simple fact what if you do a judgment that they are not in the right of? If the judge is proved wrong then it will be appealed. For an example we the people shouldn’t be judged because what if one commits the same crime and does it intentionally such as killing someone and then someone does it to protect them and their family from harm if someone broke into their home and was coming at them and the only thing was to kill them to keep from getting their children or self harmed. The cons of this is that what if we are wanting a law passed and it gets rejected and we the voters can’t have any say of it. For example switching books in the schools for more modern technology like Ipads what if the children don’t understand the work very well and needs more studying time, they won’t be allowed to take them home. They should make the law of going back to older days when all the technology wasn’t out just books, pencils, and paper! The pros is that the Judicial branch can have the power to view the laws of the other two branches and has an important role playing of the check and balancing system. So when you sit down and think about it its like they are too many chiefs and not enough Indians. They are sometimes to many decisions and too many judges at one time.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Computerised Stock Control System

Computerised Stock Control System Introduction The Enterprise Networking assignment is based on the computerised stock control system. This assignment is about how to implement a new online book company called â€Å"Amazing Books†. â€Å"Amazing Books† company is a new online book company that will be selling books via a website. The website represents the books that are in the company’s warehouse. It also contains the information of the books and the information provided to the customers to order the books they want. It is linking with company’s stock control system. The stock will be regularly recorded and updated based upon the sales record. When a customer fills an order form, he or she has to choose the items and the delivery information. When the company receives the order, it delivered the packaged books to the local depot of a courier company. The online book company also implements its computerised inventory control system in the warehouse. This system includes order processing, recording new entry of books, despatching books to the courier firm, and flagging stock reorder levels up. So, the company will investigate the websites of stock control system as sample and implement its own one. Besides, the company will create a local area network (LAN) for in the warehouse by using appropriate media and topology to carry out its processes well. The company also has a plan to deliver the ordered stock items from the warehouse to the delivery company successfully by using suitable vehicles which contains hardware and software for security management. The last plan is to manage a security control system in order to prevent the theft of staff themselves and to regulate the stock reorder level by the time theft occurs. The network administrator or manager of the â€Å"Amazing Books† online book company will be investigating the book websites and computerised stock control system websites of other companies. He or she is also looking forward to finding the delivery management system and security management system on the web. Then he or she will be writing a report (with recommendations) how to implement theirs company in order to successfully set up. Task 1 Amazing Books Company is one that wants to manage themselves as an online book sales company. They will sell their books via the internet. So, they want to develop a website which will display information about their books. Before it is developed, they examine three websites of the online book companies that sell theirs via the internet. The first investigated website is In home page, the pictures of some books are presented. When the pictures are doubled-clicked, the summaries of each book are displayed. It contains other information such as authors’ names, ISBN number, price and numbers of pages. On the left-hand side of the home page, the subjects of the books that are sold in this website are listed. The subjects contain religions, arts, commerce, computer technology, children books and so on. To order the books, customers can send e-mails, but they can only make payment by using bank account of Corporation bank and Punjab bank. The second examined website is In home page, some pictures of normal books are placed on the right side. In the top, some special ones such as books for Mother’s day are put. In the middle of the page, some are advertised by showing pictures, authors’ names, and short descriptions of them. If the pictures are double-clicked to investigate, the pictures of the books’ covers and summaries of them with authors’ names appear. ISBN, format, number of pages, publishers, publish date and languages are also shown. On the right side, normal price and discount price are compared. On the left side of the home page, the site arranges some categories to browse for books according to book categories, bestsellers, books from movies, and book awards, etc. It also places book contents. In home page, it ranges a menu called â€Å"Boomerang Books Bulletin†. If a user signs up in this form, he or she can get a $5 book voucher and 20% discount when discounts days are on. To order the books, the site displays its phone number, e-mail address, and fax number. Thus, customers can order by phone, e-mail or fax but they can pay only Australian dollars. The third one that is observed to get displaying books information is . This website is the one where users can get e-books. On the home page, there is a list that describes the categories that users can download. These categories contain Myanmar free e-books, Myanmar novels, Myanmar newspapers and so on. If a customer wants to get them, he or she has to make an account by entering user name and password. Then he or she can get them. After investigating these websites that provide information for online book selling, â€Å"Amazing Books†, the online book company, is implementing their website. On the top of the home page, the photos of the books that are sold for the memorial days will be presented. They will be sold by gifting suitable discounts. On the left-hand side of the home page, the catalogues of the books will be exhibited in order to search books by the categories the customers want. The catalogues will queue the lists of the books according to book categories, bestsellers, books from movies, and book awards, etc. If the photos of the books in home page are double-clicked, the summaries of the books with books’ titles, sorts of books, ISBNs, authors’ names, publishers, publishing date, number of editions, and number of pages, etc. will be shown. Under the every page of site, there will be company’s address and ordering information will situate. Ordering information will include phone numbers, fax numbers and company’s e-mail address. So, customers can order books by ringing a phone call, or making order by fax, or sending an e-mail. To order by e-mail customers must fill chosen items into the shopping basket that is on the right side of the home page. Then they have to enter their phone numbers and addresses (including postal code). They can enter their bank accounts or credit card accounts to order. Task 2 There are many stock items that are stored in the warehouse of the â€Å"Amazing Books† online book store. The stock control system in warehouse is linked with the company’s website so customers can view the books that are in warehouse via the website. If they want to order books, the will their personal information including delivery addresses, postal codes and bank or credit accounts. When customers make books order via website, the company will inform the staff of the warehouse. The warehouse staff checks the level of stock items and reply to the main server. And the server keeps the information update and let the customers know information to the website. Then the company will deliver the books to a delivery team. And then the courier company will deliver books according to the customers’ addresses and postal codes. To carry out these processes successfully, the book store needs a proper inventory control system. So, they gather information for stock control system by exploring the websites which represent their computerised stock control systems. Required information for recommendations The first and second investigated websites show their online stock control systems. They show their product information and other associated one. Customers can search and browse they want and they can order them by e-mails. The company that creates the first website is using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) readers for recording the new items for the stock. The company also explains its delivery service for ordered items. The second website uses barcode reader. It describes their control system of balance levels of the stock and alerting the flagging up reorder system by using the stock control management software. The third and the fourth one are the websites that sell software applications for computerised inventory control management system. They give the detailed information of how to use their software. Both of them are produced to run the functions of recording customers’ order, purchasing, items entry, auditing, receiving, shipping, transferring, reporting and security management, etc. Among them, the former one is used with barcode reader and the latter one with RFID for recording new stock items for the system. Customers can buy their software by entering their e-mail addresses, and bank or credit account numbers in these websites Methods and hardware for recording stock entry which are in warehouse After investigating four websites, â€Å"Amazing Books† implements its computerised stock control system. First of all, they make purchasing books from many other sources. Then the books are put in containers which contain RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags and the containers are carried by suitable vehicles. When they arrived to the warehouse of the company, the RFID tags are checked by RFID readers which transmit the series of digital identities of the books wirelessly. The tag readers detect the packages or containers which contains several book items. The RFID readers can check each entire container simultaneously and enter data into the server computer using special stock control management software for inventory control. So, the right data in database of the server can keep updating. Being linked the server with the website of the company, the information of the books in web pages is automatically updated. (c) Methods and hardware for order processing To order the book items, the customers have to fill the order form. In this form, the customers must fill their information that contains their addresses and postal codes and delivery fees (which price ranges depend on countries) by means of bank or credit account numbers. After that, they can order books via website of the company. When the company receives orders from customers, they register information of customers and orders in Order file. They check concerned master and transaction files to know how many numbers of which stock items are ordered. They also interrogate stock levels in the warehouse using RFID readers and make records of sending items. These records are entered into the server to update stock information. They then display that information in the website that is linked with server of the company. So, customers can see whether their ordered items are sent to them or not. (d) Methods and hardware for recording despatched items Their next procedure is to deliver the ordered books to a local courier company. Before they send, they pick books up from the warehouse and pack them into specific packages or containers which consist of RFID tags which will help the courier firm easy to check them. Then they deliver them to the delivery firms by appropriate vehicles. When the books arrive, the courier companies check the RFID tags of packages or containers by using RFID readers. Then they start delivering them to the customers around the world by using flights or ships or other appropriate vehicles. The delivery firm company sends the items information in order to update data in database of the server of delivery company. They will update the delivery information whenever the items arrive to their braches in different countries until they reach to the destinations. So, the customers can view the information on the website when and where their ordered items are arrived. (e) Flagging up and reorder levels of stock items After sending the ordered item, the website needs to update the item information. To make balance for the reorder level, they use the automatic flagging up system using the stock control software by giving notation on the server of the warehouse. So, the company can check balance level and decide whether they should reorder new books from other sources or not. (f) Required hardware for system To complete the system, they also use some kinds of hardware devices. They use Server for the main control processes for the stock. And they also need to use some kinds of not only security devices for the warehouse security but also special software to control the system and to prevent unauthorized access to data. It describes their balance of the stock and alert the flagging up reorder system buy using stock control software. Task 3 To implement the computerised stock control system used in warehouse the local area network (LAN) is conducted. The major requirements of LAN network are topologies and media. There are many topologies though only some are widely used. The most popular topologies are ring, bus and star topologies. In ring topologies, computers are connected by cables in a circle or ring form. Each computer is directly connected to the next, so no termination is required. In this topology, token passing method is used to transmit data in clock-wise direction. So every computer can transmit data fairly. It can prevent high-traffic and time-critical applications. So it is reliable and highly secure. But it uses fiber optic cables so cost is high and finds difficulties to install. In bus topology all computers are connected via a backbone, a cable segment. In bus topology, signals are sent as electrical parses. When they are sent, they travel along the cable in all directions. So, data collisions can occur when more than one computer transmit data simultaneously. Thus, occupying high-traffic is the major problem; otherwise, cheapness and ease of installation are advantages. In star topology, all components are connected by cable segments to a central device to communicate each other via it. It can share network resources and send and receive data from the computers in the network simultaneously because it handles multiple connections. So it is useful where high traffic occurs. It supports centralized management and the central server has a complete priority over other computers. But this topology requires a more involved cable installation and high cost. The access of the entire network also loses when the central device fails. To build a network we also need media. There are two groups of media; bounded and unbounded media. In bounded media, there are three types of cables; coaxial cable, twisted pair cable, and fiber-optic cable. Coaxial cable consists of two kinds- thin coaxial (10 Base2) and thick coaxial (10 Base5). There are two types of twisted pair cables; unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP) and shielded twisted pair cable (STP). The optical fiber cable contains two kinds; glass and plastic. The unbounded media or wireless connection technology contains Wi-Fi, and Wi-Max connection. Wi-Fi includes 802.11b and 802.11g at 2.4 GHz frequency and its speeds are between 11 Mbps and 54 Mbps, and 802.11a and 802.11n has 5 GHz frequency and 54 Mbps bandwidth. There are two versions of Wi-Max connection fixed Wi-Max (802.16-2004) and mobile Wi-Max (802.16e). The stock levels displayed in the website are based upon the sales figures which are in warehouse. Updating stock control system regularly can help the stock level. To support the stock control system a LAN network will be created in the warehouse. There are two types of networks; peer-to-peer one and server-based one. The server based LAN network is chosen to implement as it can handle a number of computers, more memory for a large database and extra peripheral devices such as printers; otherwise, peer-to-peer network can handle 10 or fewer workstations. To configure a server-based network, an appropriate topology and a suitable medium are used. The proper one for this network is star topology. Using central devices such as switches connected with cable segments, it supports centralized management for the entire network. It shares resources and access to clients simultaneously without traffic. Unshielded twisted pair cable is used as medium. It ranges into seven categories. Among them, category 5 is chosen because it is designed for 10 Mbps Ethernet whose speed is up to 1 gigabit. It can connect even 1024 nodes and can run 100 meters distance. It also provides ease of trouble shooting all nodes of the network. After configuring topology and medium, a server-based LAN is implemented. Firstly, the OSs is installed in the server computer. Then Active Directory Service (AD) is installed. So, it becomes a domain server which can control client nodes in the workgroup. There will be a network administrator as the authorized user of the server computer. This administrator will control security, access and user accounts of each client-computer user. Being centralized managed network, only server one can share resources but the client cannot. Data can only be updated, or deleted by the administrator who uses the server computer and not by the client. Thus the administrator can check and control the database using the information reported by clerks who provide data concerned with sales figures. Therefore, this database can offer up-to-date information for the stock control system because it is based on the sales figures. The computerized stock control system is being linked with the website via internet. So, regularly updating the data of the stock control system means the website shows the information deal with the status of the books items that are in ware-house. This makes customers easy to find the information they want and to order books by filling order form that displayed in company’s website. Task 4 The company will inform the staff of the warehouse about the information of the ordered books when they received confirmed orders and cost by bank or credit account from customers via their website. They also acknowledge the customers about the confirmation. The voucher numbers of the ordered books and the DNS of the courier’s website are also given. Processing Order in Warehouse After receiving the ordered report, the staff members in the warehouse prepare to deliver the stock items. First of all, they check to ensure whether the quantity of the stock level is complete or not. Then they prepare to send them to the local delivery company. They firstly put and pack the books by means of ordered quantity and titles in the packages or containers. Then they fix an RFID tag which contains an electronic serial number on each container. The information of the sent items is marked by means of an RFID reader which can detect the electronic signals of serial numbers of the books. Then the information is transferred into the server computer to update the data in database. Transferring stock to local courier company Then they transfer containers of books to the local courier firm by taking suitable vehicles which are fitted GPS (Global Position Service) system to point the routes and time taken of them and to acknowledge the company what time where they are. When the containers of books arrive to the delivery team, they are checked with RFID readers again to mark what time the delivery items are received. It makes ensure not only the stocks are prevented by theft of staff but also they are safely arrived and whether they are the correct ones or not. Delivering stocks by Courier Company The delivery team starts the delivered items entry into their website after checking them. Along the paths of wherever they deliver the stock until they reach to the destination, they regularly update information on their website. So, customers can check the delivery information via the website of the courier company if they want to track about their ordered books’ information. The delivery company delivers the ordered stock items according to the customers’ addresses and postal codes. If the addresses and postal codes indicate a customer is in local, the company uses cars to transport them. Otherwise, they firstly send by using shipping delivery to the foreign countries where the branches of their company are situated and they send to their destination addresses and postal codes at last. Updating data Each branch of the courier firm also reports to their main office and the office also return the information to the â€Å"Amazing Books† company until the ordered book items are received by the customers. The online book store company also updated the information in their company’s database in main server. Being linked with the server of the courier company, the information of the books in their website is also updated. So, the customers can see where the items they have ordered and when they will receive them by entering the voucher numbers of them on the website of the courier company. After the ordered books are transferred from the delivery company to the customers, the firm also reports to their main office again. The main office of the company also replies to the online book store company. And then the book store renews the data in database of the server in order to check the balance stock levels by means of automatically flagging up system. Task 5 â€Å"Amazing Books† online book company keeps in a large amount of book items in the company’s warehouse. The stock items in the warehouse are kept by staff members of its. To secure the warehouse and the books in it, a security management system is needed. This system is also required to prevent unauthorized access data of the company. The company should also think about the theft or access data without permission done by staff members of the company themselves. (a) Methods to prevent theft and monitor the staff To implement the security management system of the warehouse, both hardware and software are needed. At first, the local area network (LAN) will be created using Star topology to control the centralized management of the company’s LAN network. Furthermore, the network administrator should also manage the specific working hours, authorized access, and login passwords, etc of an individual staff. So, unauthorized access that aims getting company’s important data in database of the server dishonestly can be overcome. It can also prevent the fraud of staff. Moreover, there should be some plans to detect and prevent the theft of stock items in warehouse. The most appropriate thing to monitor inside the warehouse is CCTV cameras. They will let the administrator or manager watch inside the warehouse all the time. He or she can immediately know if theft is occurred. Besides, there should be some limitations at the entrance and exit of the warehouse. Using retina scanner at the entrance is a proper method. The scanner will sense the retina of each staff to separate if the person has the permission to enter into the warehouse or not. It will make the record of each and it will alarm if something doubtful is happened. An EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) should be fixed at the exit of the warehouse and everybody must be through when they leave the warehouse. It will detect each person using radio frequency technology and alarm when the staff takes the book items out without registering for despatched processes. (b) Adjusting the stock levels when theft occurs Before implementing the security management system of the warehouse, the stock levels of the books should be checked to ensure that the quantity of the stock before they are stored in it. When the books which are bought from different sources arrive to the warehouse, they are checked with RFID readers. Then the information of the books is transferred into the server computer as unique serial numbers of each. This event makes update the data in database. The server then stores the information of the books which includes quantity, books’ titles, and ISBN, etc. When the books are delivered, they are packed in containers which have an RFID tag and are rechecked with RFID readers again. Then checked data and data in database of the server are compared to confirm. If they are not same, the administrator can know the books are thieved by staff and he or she should review the security records. Automatic flagging up system also alerts when the quantity of books are less to acknowledge the administrator. So the administrator can check the balance level of the stocks and reorder new books from sources if necessary. Task 6 The report is produced in order to describe the recommendations of how to set up the computerised stock control system of the â€Å"Amazing Books† online books company. The summarising reviews for each procedure are as follows: Reviewing Task 1 The company investigates three online books websites via internet. They examine the features of the websites in details, i. e, the presentations of the books, selling and order information, delivery information, and discount information, etc. Then they will implement their own by using the facts which are based on the recommendations. Reviewing Task 2 The company explores four computerised stock control system websites. Then they set up their own computerised inventory control system in the large warehouse of the company. First of all, they will record the stock information by using RFID readers when the stocks arrive to the warehouse. Then they will transfer that information to the database of the server of the warehouse in order to update the data. The information in website will also keep updating because it is linked with the server of the company. When customers want to order books via website, they have to fill the order forms which contain the information deal with their addresses, postal codes, and bank or credit card account number. Then they will transfer the stocks to local courier company by appropriate vehicles. After that, they will update the information of books delivered in database of the server again. In the warehouse of the company, there will be an automatically flagging up system. They will fix this system to auto check the balance level and quantity of the stock. It will alert the company when the new stocks should be reordered. Reviewing Task 3 As the third step to implement the company’s stock control system, they will create a local area network (LAN) in the warehouse using suitable media and topology. The LAN will be set up as a server based one in order to centralized manage the whole network. The website of the company will be linked with the server so the information in website will always keep updating. Reviewing Task 4 After receiving the containers that contain books, the courier company will check stocks’ RFID tags with RFID readers and make records the books information. This information will be transferred into their company’s server computer to update data in database. As it is also linked with the website of their company, the delivery information will also update. The delivery company will always update the delivery information whenever the stocks arrive to their branches which are in foreign country. They will keep updating until they reach to their destination addresses. Customers can view what time at where their ordered books are via the website of the courier company. Reviewing Task 5 There will also be a plan to prevent thefts done by staff while the company is setting up their online book selling system and computerised stock control system. To prevent those events, the administrator will monitor the staff by using CCTV cameras. He or she will also use retina scanner at the entrance and EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) system at the exit of the warehouse. To prevent unauthorized access, the administrator will manage the specific working hours, authorized access, and login passwords, etc of an each staff member. The stock levels are record by RFID readers when they reached to the warehouse. That information will be transferred into server of the warehouse. When the books are delivered to the deliver firm, they are rechecked with RFID readers again and transferred into server in order to update the data of stock levels. There will be an automatic flagging up system to alarm to acknowledge the administrator. So the administrator can check the balance level of the stocks and reorder new books from sources. Reference Websites Books Title Guide to Networking Essentials ISBN 14188-3718-0 Author Name Greg Tomsho, Ed Tittel, David Johnson

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Great Political Leaders of the Twentieth Century :: World History

Great Political Leaders of the Twentieth Century The history of the 20th century can be defined by the biographies of six men: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and Josef Stalin. Each of these men had a lasting significant involvement in world affairs. This essay will focus on the significance each individual had on the ideologies of Democracy and Totalitarianism. Four of the six individuals were leaders of a totalitarianistic state, and three of these led a communist country. Also four of the six leaders were in power during the Second World War. The profiles of these six men formed the world that we live in today. Vladimir Illich Lenin was the first individual to put Marxist ideologies to work. In April 1917 Lenin returned to Russia from his exile in Switzerland to give his 'April Theses.' It was here that Lenin outlined how his revolution was to take place, the Bolshevik Revolution began on November 6 1917. Within a week the Bolsheviks were in control of most of European Russia, and immediately Lenin ordered that the Russians abandon the war against Germany. After abandoning her allies in World War One the Russians were hurled into a civil war. It is here that we first see the ideologies of Totalitarianism and Democracy clash. The democracies of Britain, France, and the United States all sent troops to Russia in the support of the 'Whites,' or enemies of the Bolsheviks. Lenin took the poor country of Russia and turned it into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or U.S.S.R. Through his policies of War Communism and its replacement the NEP Lenin was able to stand the newly formed U.S.S.R. o n its own two feet. One of Lenin's ideas was 'International Socialism,' it was under this idea that he set up the Comintern with the purpose of spreading communism throughout the world. His successor, Josef Stalin took a different approach in his ideas of 'Socialism in one country." Josef Stalin led the U.S.S.R. from the death of Lenin to his own in 1953. Stalin led the Soviets through the betrayal of the Germans in the Nazi-Soviet Pact, he turned back the Nazis on the Eastern front, and brought the U.S.S.R. out of the Second World War as one of the only two superpowers in the world. After the end of the World War Two Stalin spread the Soviet sphere of influence to include East Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Alabania, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

SCREAM :: essays research papers

SCREAM starts out in the quiet country region of Woodsboro, California. The silence is soon broken by the ringing of a phone coming from the inside of Casey Becker's home. The conversation between Casey and the threatening Voice, eventually leads up to having Casey scared out of her wits and being gutted. Sidney Prescott learns about the murder, and also finds out it was almost as bad as the murder of her mother (Maureen Prescott), which occurred almost a year ago. Randy Meeks, Reporter Gail Weathers, and Deputy Dewey Riley all get mixed up in the story with Sidney. If you want to learn anything else about the movie, go WATCH IT!!!! Billy and Stu were obviously PSYCHOtic. Stu's motive for killing Casey and Steve is simple. Sweet revenge!!! Casey dumped him for Steve, although Stu claims he dumped her. Billy killed several people with admirable motives. He killed Maureen Prescott because she was having an affair with his father, which caused his mother to leave the family. Billy also killed Tatum with good reason. What's the use of having someone around that's always going to be moping about her dead best friend. It would get on their consciences and drive them crazy, not that they already are. The first murder that occurs, we do not have the pleasure of viewing, but we know the general gist of the story. Maureen was raped and brutally butchered with a hunting knife and was found in her bedroom, getting blood all over the covers. The next two murders were of Casey Becker and Steve Orth. Steve had his stomach ripped open with a knife and he was strapped to a patio chair with duck tape over his mouth. His intestines had been exposed and there was a pool of blood around the chair. Casey received precisely six phone calls before being gutted, yes WITH a hunting knife, and hung outside in her front lawn from a tree. Principal Himbry, the fourth victim, was stabbed seven times (again with a hunting knife) and hung from the school football goalpost. He was found around the time of Stu's party. The next lucky person was Tatum Riley, Dewey's younger sister and Sidney's best friend (ex). She had her arm sliced by a knife (I'll let you guess what kind) and was found in the garage's ki tty door with her head crushed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Mathematics of Map Coloring :: Colors Science Essays

The Mathematics of Map Coloring The four-color conjecture has been one of several unsolved mathematical problems. From 1852 to this day, practically every mathematician has studied the problem long and hard, but to no avail. The conjecture looks as though it has been solved by Wolfgang Haken and Kenneth Appel, both of the University of Illinois. They have used computer technology to prove the conjecture. The calculation itself goes on for about 1200 hours. The staggering length of the computation of the proof is what creates some controversy in the mathematical world. The Appel-Haken Theorem is based on numerous assumptions, â€Å"that there is an overwhelmingly great probability that their method of proof must succeed.† [3] It assumes that the theory itself is correct, but the theory itself is also an assumption. You can see why this issue has been wreaking havoc for many years. It all started back in 1852 when Francis Guthrie was coloring a map of England. He wanted to know the least amount of colors, or chromatic number, it would take to color the map so no two adjacent regions are of the same color. He found the chromatic number to be four. He then studied arbitrary maps and wondered if all maps could be colored with four colors. Francis’ curiosity would be in the minds of all mathematicians to come. He then passed this question on to his brother, Frederick. He then submitted this to his professor Augustus deMorgan as a mathematical conjecture. deMorgan was fascinated by the Four-Color problem and wrote in a letter to his colleague Sir William Rowan Hamilton the next day after seeing the conjecture. Hamilton was less enlightened by it, and never worked on it. It was through deMorgan that the Four-Color problem was made known, thus deMorgan has incorrectly been dubbed the originator of the problem. Eventually the hype surrounding the conjecture died down in the early 1860’s. This down time, during which interest in the problem was minimal, only lasted about twenty years. A lawyer by the name of Alfred Bray Kempe proposed a solution in The American Journal of

Genicon: a Surgical Strike Into Emerging Markets. Essay

Genicon is a company with 10 years of experience domestic and some real international success , Genicon was successful in USA, but it quickly realized that it would be difficult for them to have sustainable growth, because the health care purchases medical equipment through GPOs. And as a small company it was so hard to obtain a contract from GPOs because their financial structure encourages them to purchase equipment from giants companies.So Genicon decided to go international and capture increasing demand there. It became smallest company to sell product to European markets with the assistance of BSI.Genicon was already in over 30 international markets and was looking in particular at the rapidly emerging markets – Brazil, Russia, India and China – as potential new opportunities for growth.So the question facing Genicon where it should go next? I. Case key players/Contributors: a.Gary Haberland,president and founder of GENICON. b.small development team of Genicon. c.MEDICA in Germany large tradeshows for medical devices. d.employee of British Standards Institution(BSI) e.Genicon shareholder. II. Problem Identification a.Domestic business i.Lack of a favorable channel in the US. ii.High bargaining power of buyers through group purchases (GPO) . iii. High regulatory costs. b.International business. i.Sales of medical devices associated with the number of tenders which have different regulatory than US and its just for short term. ii.Due to GENCION’s limited resources it was hard to decide which country to invest in, depend on: 1-Regulation/ Compliance. 2-Bargaining power of buyers. III. Suggestions a.Uncertainty Avoidance i. Haberland and his company appear to be strong Uncertainty Avoidance very structure and having conservative investments.Hesitance toward new products in medical devices. ii.Should go with weak UAI and make some risky investments.and to be more flexible and adaptable to any chaos. b.Short and Long term orientation i.Almost all the contract that Haberland had with the international country are being traditional and current short term . ii.Try to find international country Long term orientation and sacrifice present for futere. IV. Recommendation a.Should go with Brazil due to international accepted! Fast process, zero tariff. Easy Regulation/ Compliance.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Analyzed, Interpreted, and Theorized Essay

Obsession is defined by preoccupying or filling the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent ( A compulsion is defined as to force or drive, especially to a course of action. All of this grouped together with a psychological irregularity can describe someone going through Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Those suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder have recurring thoughts, feelings, and ideas to feel driven to accomplish a certain task, usually cleaning, counting, fixing, etc. These people feel anxiety because of their reoccurring compulsions and can only be rid of it by acting on the thought which is called thought-action fusion. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder effects maybe 1 out of 100 children in the US and a total 3% of people in the general population due to recent research completed by the WHO ). I think the prevalence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in children is so low because Obsessive Compulsive D isorder is a generalized biological vulnerability, meaning the child has a heritable contribution to negative effects. This means that the child has learned from outside sources; parents, teachers, friends; that a certain stimuli will bring about a certain set of feelings and therefore actions (thought action fusion). Some research studies done by the National Institute of Health have shown that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is caused by an uncommon mutation of the human serotonin transporter gene ( Another theory explained in an article in the JAMA Network Journal by Ben J. Harrison; PHD states that those who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder have an altered corticostriatal function in the brain. This corticostriatal function means the networks of nerves in the brain. It was shown in their research that those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder have even higher functionality than those without Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This does not mean a higher IQ or brain function; it only means altered networks create abnormal and reoccurring thoughts and actions. I believe Obsessive  Compulsive Disorder to be a learned or conditioned response to events taught by those responsible for early development. This hypothesis comes from an article in Psychiatry research by Francesco Catapano that shows the relationship between levels of melatonin and cortisol, the stress hormone, in those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder compared to those who do not have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Their findings showed that those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder had lower melatonin levels giving them irregular sleep patterns and abnormal circadian rhythms. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder patients were also found to have higher doses of cortisol in their blood in comparison to the healthy control group. More research was done on the subject by Xinhua Zhang; MD who claims that aft6er treating a patient with a brain tumor, the patient began to have compulsive thoughts about her children and husband living longer than her. She realized these thoughts were unnecessary and went back to the hospital. Xinhua Zhang concluded that since the tumor excavation took place in the right frontal lobe that this is where obsessions originate and the surgery caused her to behave abnormally. Upon further research I’ve found that the right frontal lobe is the perfect place for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to spawn from because the frontal lobe is said to control our emotions and cause us to be different in personality ( ). There has been a lot of research on the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it almost always leads to medication. The treatment that has gotten the most recognition and funding is a drug called Clomipramine ( Compulsive Disorder ). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a chronic disorder that doesn’t really go away because of the serotonin levels in the brain of those affected. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder causes serotonin to be absorbed at an abnormal speed which accounts for constant urge to seek relief from stress. Clomipramine allows serotonin to bind to the drug and be free flowing in the synapses of the brain instead of being absorbed and shoveled off as waste. Considering Barlow’s Integrated Model of mental health. I would categorize Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as both generalized biological vulnerability  and generalized psychological vulnerability. It could be a biological abnormality because, as previously stated, there could be something wrong with the right frontal lobe causing obsession and compulsive thoughts. To me, psychological vulnerability just means a learned thought process either from parents, teachers, siblings, or other outside sources. According to a study done by J. Griffiths, a Bristol Doctorate graduate in Clinical Psychology, the data taken from those who live with parents or close relatives with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has a serious indication on the prevalence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder within the children of the family. The children reported feeling embarrassed by their parent and a feeling of loss of control considering boundaries and the happiness of said â€Å"sick† relative. Children who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder usually have fears of getting dirty, getting hurt, or have a feeling of need for exactness and/or symmetry. They’re both linked because of the integrative model of psychological disorders. Having a parent with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or any other type of mental disorder for that matter will have an effect on those in close proximity of them due to classical conditioning and learned response from an abnormal or neurotic pattern of behavior according to Etelà ¤-Savon Sairaanhoitopiiri, the writer of the article â€Å"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in childhood† in the Duodecim journal. Many studies show that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is more common in people who don’t follow pre- and perinatal health advice. Since prenatal childcare is the most crucial due to the formation of the brain and the natural chemicals combining in the amniotic sack, those who do not exercise greater caution in certain respects may cause their children to inherit Obsessive Compulsive Disorder later on in life. Data showed that excessive weight gain and edema of the hands, feet, and face during pregnancy lead to higher rates of people born with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Another huge contributor to predisposed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is whether or not the mother took or mixed medications during the beginning stages of the pregnancy. A counter point made in â€Å"The Structure of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Dimensional Representations of DSM-5 Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders† in JAMA Psychiatry shows that there  is a strong correlation bet ween environmental factors and the onset of mental disorders. Their conclusion was that it is much more possible to get Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from traumatic experiences or living arrangements than biologically inherited. Those who suffer because of life events rather than genetics suffer to a higher degree than those of their biologically inherited symptom counterparts. This usually accounts for a higher drug dosage and a lesser ability to control and manage the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Benedetta Monzani, PhD). This is supported by the lecture we did on experiential avoidance and the conditioned responses we acquire due to stress. If someone lives in such a way that any thought they encounter causes them stress, then they might pick up some behaviors that stop them from stressing out due to thinking; which is exactly what victims of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder encounter on a daily basis. It starts out as either biologically inherited or psychologically learned Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Once they experience a str essful thought or action, they revert to their learned stress relief which is usually compulsive behavioral rituals to suppress said thoughts. In â€Å"Adverse childhood experiences and gender influence treatment seeking behaviors in obsessive–compulsive disorder†, an article in Comprehensive Psychology, it states that adverse childhood experiences (ACE) leads to higher activity in the frontal lobe of the brain; which we have deduced is where compulsive behavior originates. Different outcomes according to sex were also examined in this study and it was shown that males do a better job at rebounding after adverse or traumatic experiences than females which accounts for the higher rate of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in females than in males. During my studies, while distinguishing adverse health outcomes due to prenatal care is easy and logical, I think that more research states that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is more psychologically conditioned than inherited. The number of patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who had traumatic or rough living environments vastly outnumber those who did not have such circumstances. I think this also shows the degree to which they are affected. Someone who is predisposed to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder would not be as strongly influenced by their thoughts in comparison to someone who has a physical real life correlation with a traumatic experience. This is supported by the fact that the pharmaceutical treatment  for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is the same as treatment for PTSD. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are both used to slow the absorption of serotonin in the brain so it is free floating in a higher dosage which leads to less stress and less abnormal behavior. The rate at which the serotonin is released and absorbed is equivalent to the time spent in less stress. Antidepressants work in these types of situations because of the high impact that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has on the emotional state of the mind. The frontal lobe, as previously discussed, is the anatomical site for emotion and personality, so an abnormality in chemical processing or a physical abnormality not only spawns Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in subjects, but also alters their emotional state and how their outlook on life. Studies show that patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who have a better outlook on their treatment and acceptance of it, have a better treatment outcome than those who don’t take SSRI’s. In conclusion, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a rare abnormality originating in the frontal lobe. The absorption rate of serotonin in the brain strongly correlates with onset of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Although there are many medications to take, the most widely used is Clomipramine and SSRI’s so the emotional and physical stress can be tolerated. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be contracted at any time but due to recent studies, I have more confidence in the theory that traumatic life experiences and negative living arrangements have a higher rate of setting on OCD than a predisposed genetic availability to contract it because of the physical testimonies from those in that situation. Although I’m sure that prenatal care and genetics play a viable roll in mental health, I would still say that those who have a physical association with stress or trauma are more affected by it in the mind. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder affects only 3% of people in the general population, but given the fact that mental health takes a toll on family members, coworkers, and fri ends; it can be conjectured that it is affecting more than that by a â€Å"contact mental illness†. The problems people face every day should be taken into softer hearts because you never know who has been affected by this rare disorder. Works Cited Benedtti, F. (2014). Comprehensive psychiatry. Adverse childhood experiences and gender influence treatment seeking behaviors in obsessive–compulsive disorder, 55(2), 298-301. Retrieved from Flament, M. (1988). Journal of the american academy of child & adolescent psychiatry. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Adolescence: An Epidemiological Study, 27(6), 764-771. Retrieved from Monzani, B. (2014). The Structure of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Dimensional Representations of DSM-5 Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders, 71(2), Retrieved from Ocd education station. (2014). Retrieved from Traumatic brain injury. (2014). Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Teaching log example

Education Level of Participants: N/A Type of Education Activity (1 ambulatory, group, meeting): Observation and participation in evaluative process for residents in Family Medicine. Positive Aspects of Session: – Used a consensus approach to decision making and evaluation. – Input of all who have supervised for a more fair and objective evaluation. – Well run, and timely meeting. Difficulties of Session: – Limited context for evaluation (ex. in some instances, individuals had only been observed by anyone around the table 1 time). Despite this, most evaluators agreed regarding resident's clinical attributes and deficiencies. – One sided Reflection and Interpretation of Session: I found myself very surprised by this session. It was unsettling for me to discuss learners in this way even with an understanding that it is necessary to evaluate. Issues regarding personal issues were brought forth in some instances to explain a resident's behavior.It was ed ucational to me in that I learned that the resident's â€Å"supervisor† (or faculty dvisor), is the person who after these meetings is responsible to then deliver the message ot the â€Å"teacher's group† to the resident in the torm ot teedback. I a normally a part of this process, but only on paper. I am given an evaluation form to fill out on individual practice of each of the residents on my team. There is a Likert scale with points related to professionalism, collaboration and respect.This session has really made me think more about the way in which I am filling out the evaluation ools I am asked to fill out on a monthly basis, as I now understand better how they utilized. Being present was a very new and intimidating experience for me, as I was asked for my input at this meeting. Consideration of Future Strategies for Managing Similar Sessions (Analysis): Strategies I might use in similar sessions would include pre-learning. Asking questions of the Resident Educat ion director to be better prepared for what to expect and how I might better participate.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Food Rituals in Hinduism

Hindu Traditions: Food and Purification Ashley LeBlanc Introduction to Eastern Religions Dr. Patricia Campbell November 16, 2010 LeBlanc 2 Hinduism is a religion that originated in India and is still practiced by most of the Natives as well as the people who have migrated from India to other parts of the world. Statistically there are over seven hundred million Hindus, mainly in Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Approximately eighty percent of the population in India is Hindu (Encyclopaedia Britannica n. d. ).The word Hindu comes from an ancient Sanskrit term meaning â€Å"dwellers by the Indus River,† referring to the location of India's earliest know civilization, the Pakistan. The religion suggests commitment to or respect for an ideal way of life known as Dharma. Hinduism absorbs foreign ideas and beliefs making it have a wide variety of beliefs and practices. This has given it a character of social and doctrinal system that extends to every aspect of life. One of the most impo rtant aspects of the Hindu tradition is the food and purification process.Not only is the concept of purity and food seen in sacred texts, but also is a daily practice within Hindu practitioners. According to the Bhagavad Gita, â€Å"All beings come into existence from food. Food comes from rains. Rains originate from the performance of sacrifices. And sacrifice is born out of doing prescribed duties† (3:13). Therefore, food is verily an aspect of Brahman, which according to Jeffery Brodd is â€Å"the eternal, unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this Universe† (Brodd 2003, 17).Since the food is a gift from the gods, it should be treated with respect. Also in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna states that there are three types of sacrifices, along with austerity and charity. Sattvic (cold) food is one that increases longevity, purity, strength, happiness, and tast e; these foods are usually juicy or oily. These types of foods are allowed, and mostly recommended as offerings to the gods. Rajasic (or hot) includes foods that are bitter, sour, hot, spicy, and salty which is believed to lead to disease, unhappiness, and sorrow.When a LeBlanc person eats these foods without sacrifice, it is believed that they will develop the qualities they convey and act upon them (Michaels 2004, 183-184). When it comes to preparing food, the person preparing it is closely speculated. Purity is the goal during preparation. Chants and purification rituals with incense and offerings are done before, and sometimes after every meal. In the Hindu tradition, purification is not only an expression of external status, but also make one pure internally and morally.For example, a butcher or a farmer’s products would be considered impure for the fact that they are harming innocent living creatures for sustenance, whereas bakers and milkmen are reaping products withou t harm (Arthur M. Sackler Gallery 1996). The age, status, and sex of the person cooking and serving the food are also taken into account. Hindus also believe food that has been purified can be re-polluted by touching or even looking at it. Because of this, women who are menstruating cannot prepare or serve food for the fear of pollution.At the same time, many sacrifices and offerings are performed based on reciprocity. Another method in Hindu tradition to keep food pure during consumption is to eat with the right hand, as the left hand is seen to be impure since it is used for cleaning after defecation. 3 Another aspect that is closely looked at is who may accept cooked food from whom. The usual custom goes that the young can accept food from the elder, the inferior rank from the superior, the wife from the husband, and so on. The only exception in Hindu tradition is in weddings.In this circumstance, the bride’s family cooks for the usually higher-ranking groom and his family . Another example noted in Michael’s book is when â€Å"Brahman cooks, when hired by higher ranking Brahmans; or temple feedings, when the food is seen as leftovers of the gods and thus all believers stand at the same level and eat next to one another† (2004, 183). Also in terms of leftovers, it is seen as an act of respect if the wife consumes the leftovers of her LeBlanc 4 husband, or eats after him from his plate.This is deliberate pollution as the pure food has already been consumed and any leftovers have been touched by human hands, and thus impure. Food to Hindus is a lifelong religious and social concern; it stands at the core of religion and society. Some even say that â€Å"[food] shapes family life, caste-and-marriage rules, and religious and spiritual values† (Khare 2004, 415). There are many taboos, ritual exclusions, preferences and prescriptions concerning the conception of ‘vegetarianism’ and ‘nonvegetariansim’.This taboo creates four separate areas of India that practice either vegetarianism or nonvegeratianism differently; The north constitutes Kashmir and Punjab to Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh; the ‘western’ includes Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra, the ‘eastern’ region Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Orissa, and other northeastern states, and the ‘southern’ includes Kannada, Talminadu, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh (Khare 2004, 415). Customary ways in these areas are passed on from generation to generation, and are practiced religiously. Food taboos are a historically complicated subject for Hindus.For example, the beef taboo creates ecological and political conflicts. According to Khare, â€Å"Brahmanical deification of cow played a crucial role long-term vis-a-vis Buddhism, producing a prologned religious, historical, and regional tussel, yielding, in the process, changing definitons of both nonviolence and vegetariansim† (2004, 416). Today, fol lowers of Vishnu are most often vegetarians and practice right-handed rituals, whereas worshippers of the goddess justify meat eating, drinking, and left-handed rituals. Therefore, more modern interpretations of Hinduism in relation to dietary practices can still differ.In terms of prasada , or ‘blessed food’, are primarily vegetarian when being offered to gods such as Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, and Ganesh. One must also remember that not all goddess worshipers are meat-eaters, some still practice vegetarianism. (Khare 2004, 417). LeBlanc In terms of the actual ritual of purification, it differs from each practicioner. Hindus constantly practice the methods of obtaining control and exercising restraint methods of purification and of cultivation of positive moral qualities. Food in Hinduism, as previously mentioned, is one of the most celebrated rituals.For example, a child’s first feeding is celebrated as a samskara ( celebration at a stage of life). The ritual first begins with a clean 5 surrounding. When food is served, water is sprinkled around it. This is meant to purify the foods and make it worthy for sacrifice. Then, food is offered to five pranas (breath- one of the five organs of vitality or sensation) (Widgery 1930, 235); The five pranas, along with their explanation are as follows: Prana is responsible for the beating of the heart and breathing. Prana enters the body through the breath and is sent to every cell through the circulatory system.Apana is responsible for the elimination of waste products from the body through the lungs and excretory systems. Udana produces sounds through the vocal apparatus, as in speaking, singing, laughing, and crying. Also it represents the conscious energy required to produce the vocal sounds corresponding to the intent of the being. Hence Samyama on udana gives the higher centers total control over the body. Samana controls the digestion of food and cell metabolism (i. e. the repair and manufacture o f new cells and growth). Samana also includes the heat regulating processes of the body. Auras are projections of this current.By meditational practices one can see auras of light around every being. Yogis who do special practise on samana can produce a blazing aura at will. Vyana is responsible for the expansion and contraction processes of the body, e. g. the voluntary muscular system (Prana 2010). LeBlanc 6 In conclusion, we can see through Hindu rituals and practices that food and purity plays an important role in everyday life. The importance of purity when consuming sacrificed foods or foods offered to a chosen deity is great. Hinduism thrives despite numerous reforms and shortcuts through gradual modernization and urbanization of Indian life.Thus, Hinduism, which sustained India through centuries of foreign occupation and internal disruption, continues to serve a vital function by giving passionate meaning and supportive form to the lives of Hindus today.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Interactions of hazardous materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Interactions of hazardous materials - Essay Example Total dose of rem determines how much the radiation can harm a person. A 25 rem dosage of radiation causes changes that can be detected in the blood while doses around 100 rems normally don’t have immediate effects. Radiation of 50 rems causes nausea, 55 rem fatigue, 70 rem vomiting, 75 hair loss, 90 diarrheas, 100 hemorrhage and 400 can possibly cause death within a period of 2 months. 1,000 rems cause destruction of intestinal lining and death within two weeks while rem of 2,000 damages the central nerve system and causes death within minutes (Walker, 2006). In Three Mile Island incident, the radiation that was released was minimal, far below the levels associated with health effects resulting from radiation exposure. In the incident, 2.4 million curies of radioactive noble gases and 16 curies of radioiodines were released (Mac Kinney & Schoch, 2003). The resulted average radiation dose to people living in that area was 1.4 mrem. In chest X-ray, a patient receives 3.2 mrem this is twice more than the radiation released during the incident. In the Chernobyl incident in the Soviet Union, the radiation level in some areas was about 20,000 roentgens per hour and this cause death to some workers. Average radiation dose for the people who was affected most was 120 mSv; this was mainly those who were assisting in the recovery operation and a dosage of 30 mSv for the evacuated

Thursday, September 12, 2019

European Union Law Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

European Union Law Master - Case Study Example The qualification or condition is therefore null and void. It is universally basic in the construction and interpretation of laws that what is not excluded must be included, especially in the present case where the issue is that which pertains to labor benefits. Even presuming for the sake of argument that there is that qualification requiring gross negligence to be present on the part of the employer, both Ruth and David are still entitled to the compensation because the choice, installation or utilization of the harvesters is a matter being decided and acted upon by the employer and any error in the judgment of the latter concerning the said choice, installation and/or utilization of the harvesting machine is attributable as one of gross negligence. Consequently, when Ruth and David sustained injuries resultant of the use of the harvester, it has to be interpreted that the causal origin was the gross negligence of the employers. It was incumbent upon the latter to see to it that any machine to be used or is In view of all the foregoing, it is evidently clear that Ruth and David are entitled to separation or termination benefits as provided for in the afore-cited Directive 999/98 without any condition or qualification. Accordingly, they have to be paid by their respective employers of the mandated compensation upon permanent disability which was caused by the harvester. The guidelines set forth in the European Union Treaty It is no overstatement to say that the rights of laborers are among the leading concerns underpinned in the provisions of the European Union Treaty. Labor right is a human right. As a matter of fact, it may be considered the paramount of all rights. As embodied in Article 136 (ex Article 117) of the consolidated version of the European Union Treaty, the rights of laborers have been delineated with special attention. These include such privileges as embraced in the general objectives that will promote employment and augment the conditions of workers for their living and working circumstances. The approved declaration of the union has also outlined the appropriate social protection of the laborers. Necessarily, the latter stipulation includes severance or post-employment needs such as pension and retirement benefits and compensations. (CONSOLIDATED VERSION OF THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. Dilogo social y formacin professional. Organizacion Internacional del Trabajo. [internet]). At this juncture, it is equally significant to note that Article 137 of the afore-mentioned consolidated version of the treaty further expresses that the community of nations complements and supports the activities of all member states in the fields of labor rights and privileges including those that will improve the working environment in order to protect the health and safety of the workers. Along that line, if the issue of compensation due to permanent disability is removed from the case at bar, the employers of both Ruth and David are yet nevertheless fundamentally under legal obligation to protect their safety from the dangers and hazards